Monday 5 March 2012

Conditions for a Rational Life

It's been a long time since my last post [7 Jan 2012].

From my first post -
I'll consider this experiment [blogging] a success if I can publish a (meaningful and significant) blog post every week. That way, I'll be forced to regularly pull out various pertinent issues in my life and try to explain what is really worthwhile and important about them and, most importantly, how others can benefit from them.

Testing for irrational thinking
  • Statement - If I am thinking and behaving rationally in life, then I will publish at least one blog post every week.
  • Contrapositive - If I don't publish a blog post every week, then I am NOT thinking and behaving rationally in life.
  • A statement and its contrapositive are equivalent.
Conclusion - I haven't thunk rationally for the last two months. In fact, I pretty much haven't thunk at all.

Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week.
- George Bernard Shaw, Irish dramatist & socialist (1856 - 1950)



Anyway, to take a lesson from my last post, I will consider my lacklustre mental performance over the past two months as a sunk cost and look for ways to live a better life hereupon.

Moving on...

Logic Test [5 points] - How would I know if I've been thinking rationally in life?

[Warning: Trick question (sort of)]

Think about it for a moment or so.

Try to come up with some quick check I can do to see if I've been thinking rationally.