Saturday 24 December 2011

Christopher Hitchens: A huge loss for rational people everywhere

Christopher Hitchen - New Atheist par excellence!
Died 15 December 2011

Dear Christopher Hitchens,

It was mainly you and Richard Dawkins who gave me the courage to make the jump to atheism and, more importantly, stay there.

I know I have watched countless debates of yours. It was more to receive reassurance than for any logical arguments, especially in those shaky first few months of newly-deconverted atheism. There was something in the way you absolutely demolished all the claims made by your religious opponents that soothed a mind feeling completely lost and at sea in a world without a god.

Thank you, Christopher Hitchens. Thank you so much for all the support you have given me.

I will never forget the world-famous Hitchslaps you handed out to your hapless, deluded debaters. We needed, and will continue to need, a sure, logical, and unbelievably charismatic voice like yours to bring out all the other people out there sitting on the fence. 

I will miss your intellectual company.

 ps: To the uninitiated, just a quick search on Google will turn up his classic debates on Youtube, etc.

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