Wednesday 26 October 2011

The Meaning of Life (and Death) in an Indifferent World

What is the purpose of life?

The most potent way to tie yourself up in knots, dive into confusion and anxiety, and, in general, become miserable in life would seem to be to ask the above question. Or, its brother - What is the meaning of life?

Once you reject the idea of existing religious frameworks providing any remotely sensible answer to the above (which would not be steeped in wishful thinking and over-simplification) you're left with... nothing.

The Indifferent "Mother"

From everything we can see, from the various scientific reports on the nature of the universe, the nature of living beings (as far as we can see), there doesn't seem to be any objective meaning or purpose of life as such.

Yup. We're (almost certainly) not here to pass a test to go to Heaven/Hell, or to become liberated from the clutches of this material world and the cycles of birth/rebirth, or for anything else in particular at all. (Unless, of course, the Flying Spaghetti Monster finally condescends to show himself and bless us all with his infinite glory.)

There doesn't seem to be any evidence that we're here to do anything other than survive. It took me a long time to accept this. Mother Nature (the beautiful, bountiful provider) doesn't give a damn about you!

Let me repeat that - Nature (or the universe or however you want to describe the world we live in) doesn't give a damn about you.

Thursday 6 October 2011

First Step : Reasons

Why am I writing a blog?
"This is certainly the most important thing I'll ever say in my blogs: YOU should write blogs. Even if nobody reads them, you should write them. It's become pretty clear to me that blogging is a source of both innovation and clarity. I have many of my best ideas and insights while blogging. Struggling to express things that you're thinking or feeling helps you understand them better.

Blogging is also weird because, as it happens, the best things to write about are things you already know, or have just figured out for yourself. You'd be amazed at how many things you take for granted as "common knowledge" are actually brand new to other smart people. There's simply too much to know in this world, and we're all continually learning. (I hope)."

- Steve Yegge, You Should Write Blogs

That is about the learning and helping part of writing stuff.

Another side-effect, hopefully, would be that by making my (vainglorious and grandiose) goals public, I'd think twice about backing out of the venture and would stay on track longer than I otherwise would. Social pressure can be a force for good in this case, I think.